Cormac McCarthy is amazing

Friday, September 09, 2005

Good Hello! Welcome!

Erste Poste. To explain, I'm going to list some areas which I'll be delving into and crystallising my thoughts about here. I'm likely to never write about some of these things, however they're all part of my life and time, the guts o me so to speak.

Recorded Music
The Web
Pancha Tanmantra
City Life

So you be the judge if I have a life and if you want to read it. Here's my pledge:

I will diarise infrequently but eloquently. I invite comment and query. Postmodernism decrees that anything I write is from my collective memory and experience of my life, so bear that in mind on a comment if you might.



Blogger heide-san said...

Your blog paints a vivid picture of your sydney life, you seem to have a quiet stillness despite the reno’s, planes and occasional bothersome neighbours.

I am reminded to slow down and observe my surroundings more.

Yesterday as I dragged myself off to retail work, stumbling to the train station in a tense fit of stress and worry about how much I have to do on the business front (pretty typical feeling lately..) I happened to gaze up at the sound of flapping wings and saw the most beautiful formation of migrating birds. They were in perfect V shape then morphed as one into several different curved formations as they glided off high into the clouds. I felt a percentage of the tension leave my body for a moment. Suddenly, the train bells rang and I grabbed my diary to organise my week, as I do to make the most of the train ride (not even using this moment to stop!) and the birds were forgotten..

Until I read your blog and was reminded, thanks Matt.

I was also thinking of Dean, whose birthday it is tomorrow (I thought it was the 11th also until Gillian recently corrected me.)
Yes, rest in peace, that’s all he ever wanted I think.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on other topics, particularly physics/phsychology as you have interestingly placed them in the same category.

9:11 PM


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